an Italian historyOver 20 years in Europe
Founded in 1999, its mission is to actively contribute to the development of Organic Agriculture by helping Italian producers to export to the European Union, while guaranteeing foreign customers the organic quality of products through control and traceability standards.
Biosic srl is certified by the Ecogruppo and has its own internal quality office.
Biosic is among the members of AssoBio, the Organic Consortium formed by the most important companies in the sector.
Biosic is the result of the constant and passionate work of a team that has made organic farming its profession of faith. The birth of this reality is anchored in love for the earth and in the conviction that its preservation is a fundamental value for living well in the present, but above all, building the future.

Antonio Soverino, CEO - Biosic srl

Added valueAn integrated and certified quality service IFS Broker & Logistics
Biosic offers its customers high quality standards thanks to controls carried out by its technicians at all stages of production and processing, ensuring complete traceability.
Biosic uses an internal quality system assisted by a team of professionals for field audits.
Biosic’s technical specifications indicate to our suppliers the necessary measures to fit into a quality, traceability and safety system in line with the most advanced European standards.
ProductionFrom raw material to semi-finished product
Biosic è socia attiva di 2 organizzazioni di produttori nella provincia di Viterbo che contano più di 1500 produttori e circa 5000 ettari di noccioleti.
Per le Mandorle, Biosic è presente in Sicilia, Puglia e nel Lazio con struttura all’avanguardia per la sgusciatura, pelatura e calibratura.
Il settore Frutta Secca offre una ricca gamma di frutta biologica e di semi-lavorati come creme e paste, granelle e farine, sia per la vendita all’ingrosso che per l’industria alimentare e dolciaria.
Passion and Values in BiosicSustainable vision
A great commitment to give guarantees to an increasingly demanding and diversified clientele.
Multilingual and multidisciplinary team in each Department to support the customer
Internal quality control office and a quality policy Certified IFS Broker & Logistics
Research and development office aimed at strengthening the supply chain in every sector
Our plant uses 100% natural electricity produced by our photovoltaic plant of 90KW, avoiding emissions into the atmosphere of 30,000 kg of CO2 into the atmosphere